2012 U20 European Championship Men
12 to 22 Jul. 2012 - Sofia in Bulgaria.
5 - Tsimafei Viaroukin
Player Profile
Image of Tsimafei VIAROUKIN
DOB: 2 Aug.1993
Place of birth: Gomel (BLR)
Main Statistics
Points per Game 0.4
Rebounds per Game 1
Assists per Game 0.7
Accumulated Statistics
   FG2pts3pts FT Rbds         
G MinM/A%M/A%M/A% M/A % ODTotAs PF ToStBS Pts
7 481/128.31/4250/80 1/2 50 2575 5 610 3
Game by Game Statistics
   2pts3pts FT Rbds         
Match MinM/A%M/A% M/A % ODTotAs PF ToStBS Pts
vs CRO 40/000/00 0/0 0 1120 0 100 0
vs DEN 30/000/10 0/0 0 0001 1 100 0
vs GBR 90/000/20 0/0 0 0111 3 100 0
vs POR 81/2500/10 1/2 50 0000 0 200 3
vs HUN 50/100/00 0/0 0 0001 0 000 0
vs SUI 70/100/20 0/0 0 0000 1 010 0
vs NED 120/000/20 0/0 0 1342 0 100 0
  T. Viaroukin (BLR) -
PPG 0.4 -
RPG 1 -
ORPG 0.3 -
DRPG 0.7 -
ASPG 0.7 -
FG2P% 25% -
FG3P% 0% -
FT% 50% -
Participation in FIBA Competition
Competition PPG RPG APG
2012 U20 European Championship Men: DIVISION B 0.4 1 0.7
2009 U16 European Championship Men: DIVISION B 9.5 3.1 1.2
Total average per Event: 5 2 1