2011 South American League for Men's Clubs
6 Oct. 2011 to 5 Feb. 2012
Player Profile
Image of Rossetto DAVI
Rossetto DAVI (BRA)
DOB: 27 Jul.1992
Place of birth: Sao Paulo (BRA)
Height: 180cm/5'11"
Position: Point Guard
Current club: Cearense (BRA)
Main Statistics
Points per Game 0
Rebounds per Game 1.5
Assists per Game 0.5
Accumulated Statistics
   FG2pts3pts FT Rbds         
G MinM/A%M/A%M/A% M/A % ODTotAs PF ToStBS Pts
2 110/100/100/00 0/0 0 2131 1 110 0
Game by Game Statistics
   2pts3pts FT Rbds         
Match MinM/A%M/A% M/A % ODTotAs PF ToStBS Pts
vs COL 100/100/00 0/0 0 2021 0 110 0
vs URU 0 Did not play
vs ARG 0 Did not play
vs BRA 10/000/00 0/0 0 0110 1 000 0
  R. Davi (BRA) -
PPG 0 -
RPG 1.5 -
ORPG 1 -
DRPG 0.5 -
ASPG 0.5 -
FG2P% 0% -
FG3P% 0% -
FT% 0% -
Participation in FIBA Competition
Competition PPG RPG APG
2017 FIBA AmeriCup 0.7 1 1
2016 South American Championship for Men 6.2 2 2.8
2011 South American League for Men's Clubs 0 1.5 0.5
2011 FIBA U19 World Championship 10.8 2.1 2.5
2010 FIBA Americas U18 Championship for Men 1.8 1.4 0.8
2009 South American U17 Championship for Men 5.7 2.5 1.5
Total average per Event: 4.2 1.8 1.5