2012 U20 European Championship Men
12 to 22 Jul. 2012 - Sofia in Bulgaria.
10 - Gay Lavie
Player Profile
Image of Gay LAVIE
DOB: 27 Feb.1992
Place of birth: Petah Tikva (ISR)
Main Statistics
Points per Game 10.4
Rebounds per Game 2.6
Assists per Game 3.7
Accumulated Statistics
   FG2pts3pts FT Rbds         
G MinM/A%M/A%M/A% M/A % ODTotAs PF ToStBS Pts
7 21029/5750.921/4052.58/1747.1 7/16 43.8 0181826 13 20161 73
Game by Game Statistics
   2pts3pts FT Rbds         
Match MinM/A%M/A% M/A % ODTotAs PF ToStBS Pts
vs BUL 375/771.43/475 5/7 71.4 0334 2 350 24
vs AUT 214/666.71/333.3 0/0 0 0110 2 201 11
vs SVK 261/4252/2100 1/4 25 0442 2 120 9
vs POL 375/771.40/00 1/4 25 0552 0 620 11
vs BEL 262/922.20/20 0/1 0 0223 4 240 4
vs CZE 330/301/333.3 0/0 0 0114 2 320 3
vs BUL 304/41001/333.3 0/0 0 02211 1 310 11
  G. Lavie (ISR) -
PPG 10.4 -
RPG 2.6 -
ORPG 0 -
DRPG 2.6 -
ASPG 3.7 -
FG2P% 52.5% -
FG3P% 47.1% -
FT% 43.8% -
Participation in FIBA Competition
Competition PPG RPG APG
2012 U20 European Championship Men: DIVISION B 10.4 2.6 3.7
2011 U20 European Championship Men: DIVISION B 12.4 3.6 2.6
2010 U18 European Championship Men: DIVISION B 12 2.5 3.9
2009 U18 European Championship Men: DIVISION A 1.8 0.5 0
2008 U16 European Championship Men: DIVISION A 10.8 2.9 1.1
Total average per Event: 9.5 2.4 2.3